We all know how important a website is for establishing your brand’s presence online, but what if you want your business to grow and bring in more referrals, leads, and sales? In the end, you’ll need a landing page, but most business owners aren’t familiar with how to develop one from scratch. What is the best place to begin? What do you write about? Is there a process for completing a design?
You do not need to worry, as we have provided you with an in-depth, step-by-step guide to assist you in doing all this and more. The purpose of this article is to explain what a landing page is, why you need one, and how to create one that accomplishes your conversion goals.
What is the purpose of a landing page?
Typically, a landing page is a web page used to advertise or market a particular product or service. Consumers click through to this site after clicking on the URL to find out more about the products or services they are being offered.
What’s the difference between a landing page and a web page?
However, it’s essential to keep in mind that a landing page is still a different web page from a specific web page.
Multiple links will be included on a web page, as will numerous goals to encourage visitors to read more articles, learn more about the author, or connect with the brand on social media.
Unlike generic web pages, a landing page focuses on just one goal: to get the user to respond to its call to action. Visitors will click away without being distracted by main website navigation, resulting in fewer potential distractions and a more positive engagement experience.
What types of landing pages exist
Landing pages can be designed differently, but two main types are most commonly debated: short-form and long-form.
#1. Short-form landing pages contain less information and therefore work well for increasing leads, particularly if you want your visitors to download your offer. There is less content on these pages, and therefore there is less chance of distraction. Furthermore, the visitor will be more likely to become captivated if the information is accessible, concise, and appealing.
#2. Long-form landing pages, on the other hand, are commonly used to do a hard sell. You can benefit enormously from the persuasion and storytelling that a long-form page offers if your product or service carries a high price tag (such as premium online courses, exclusive training, or a high-value bundle).
Short-form pages are designed to facilitate the visitor’s transition from the call-to-action directly to the first step of the shopping cart. Long-form pages use long copies to help the visitor make a quick and easy decision. There is a narrative structure in your proposal, so you have the opportunity to address everything from potential readers’ hesitations to how your product deals with their pain points, how it meets their needs, and more.
You may also want to consider a static landing page versus a video landing page for your website designer.
#3. With video landing pages, viewers can have hit-or-miss results, but it comes down to one important distinction: whether or not they can control the video. A study of B2B buyers found that 33% of them will leave a site for no other reason than to see automatic audio and video.
Researchers found, however, that videos on landing pages that convey a certain mood or feeling (so a video depicting concert footage on a concert page, for example) can be compelling. Further, landing pages with videos and playback controls are 144% more likely to convert visitors who watched the videos than those who didn’t.
#4. A static landing page, on the other hand, does not feature any video. The landing page idea follows that fewer distractions are better when creating a conversion: content and imagery are very important. When a page is static, its focus is on the user, as experienced through fixed content, rather than constantly updating visuals.
Why are landing pages necessary?
#1. Offers tailored to segmented audiences
A separate landing page for every promotion you run is necessary if you’re targeting different segments of your customers. Depending on what kind of customer you are, you might have different offers for new customers, customers who have signed up for a free trial, or customers who are part of your high-tier plan.
It is easier to adjust a campaign’s call-to-action, copy, and design to meet its intended audience when it has its specific page for each promotion.
#2. A variety of products
You might want to create multiple landing pages when selling multiple items or even if you’ve got a single item with multiple attributes. You can then create different landing pages for each context and target audience, effectively increasing conversions.
#3. Multiple sources of traffic
A marketer or advertising agency can create separate landing pages for every traffic source that they use, whether it’s email marketing, various social networking platforms, or other channels. What is the reason? In general, you will want to promote different messaging, imagery, and calls-to-action for each channel based on the audience they represent.
Building conversion-optimized landing pages
Landing pages are designed to convert prospects into customers. An effective landing page converts well.
For a landing page to be successful, you must have the correct elements in place, regardless of how much traffic you get or how good your offer is.
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